导航:首页 > 旅游旅行 > 六年级去旅游英语作文


发布时间:2021-03-31 03:05:39

⑴ 一篇去旅游的英语作文小学6年级take a trip

It was Sunday.I took a trip to the beach with my best friends.
We played volleball on the beach.
We also walked on the beach,picked seashells,swam in the sea and went boat.
We had a good time.

⑵ 写一篇去旅游的英语作文(去哪都行,六年级水平)。不要太长也不要太短!蟹蟹!!

This holiday I went to Beijing.
I saw the Great Wall.
I went to many famous parks in Beijing,too.
I took a lot of photos.
I had a good time there.




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